Infosquare Migration Solution
Migrate your ECM data and applications quickly, safely and smoothly. And above all maintain an excellent level of productivity throughout the migration.
The migration solution InfosquareECM.Migrate allows large volumes of documents and objects (as well as associated metadata) to be migrated from a source system to a target system.
The InfosquareECM.Migrate solution in detail

The InfosquareECM.Migrate migration solution allows all types of transformations to be carried out on migrated objects, from a simple conversion of attributes to advanced operations relating to migrated content (e.g., header application, information extraction from the content of documents, addition of ‘renditions’, migration of digital signatures, etc.)
The tool can also be used to regularly synchronize two “repository” automatically and regularly.
One of the distinctive feature of the solution is that it is based on a delta mechanism that allows only documents that have been modified after the last execution to migrate.
This allows documents to be modified in the source system until the last moment. The migration can be done in the background, to the target system, without the documents being visible as a target, while allowing those responsible for the technical and functional validation of the migration to access it.

Migration flows:
The tool consists of several activities performed in parallel. Each step of the process is run by an independent system process, which allows for the best performance.

Proven methodology
In addition to the migration solution, Infosquare provides its customers with a proven methodology that adapts to the constraints and working methods of each company.
The methodology allows:
- Identify specific risks associated with the customer environment
- Address these risks by introducing specific necessary controls
- Combining qualitative and quantitative testing methods